Friday 17 April 2015

CCTV cameras to tackle fly-tipping

Unfortunately, many articles on this blog are about fly-tipping in and around our villages. Regular visitors to this site will be aware that we have already taken measures to prevent fly-tipping in some areas along our coastal strip but in many cases this simply moves the determined fly-tipper to another spot nearby and the whole problem begins again.

Most of the complaints we receive relate to general littering and furniture dumping along the coast and in the countryside so, following consultation with the clerks and members of the three parish councils in our ward, we have decided to apply for funding to install mobile CCTV cameras at particularly badly affected locations.

There will be a short delay until mid-May before we will know with any certainty whether (and to what extent) we will be able to make progress with this scheme. However we are hopeful of having something in place soon to tackle a problem in our area which has a huge impact on the natural landscape and on rapidly diminishing public resources.

Despite many clean-up operations over the years fly-tipping remains a problem at the pathway adjacent to the Hackworth Road Industrial Estate in Blackhall Colliery