Wednesday 22 April 2015

Blackhall Miners' Memorial event

We have been helping the Blackhall Local History Group to organise an event to unveil a plaque of remembrance to commemorate those men who were either killed or who lost their lives as a result of their injuries at Blackhall Colliery between 1913 and 1981.

The event will be held at Blackhall Community Centre on Thursday 21 May 2015 at 10am:


We know that the members of the Blackhall Local History Group have given a huge amount of their time and effort meticulously researching the archives and records in order to make sure that the memorial plaque includes the names of all the men who gave their lives at Blackhall Colliery in service to their community.

We would like to offer our personal thanks the History Group for their admirable effort in providing this invaluable resource which will help us to remember and pay our respects to those from our past who gave everything in shaping our community.