Wednesday 10 December 2014

High Hesleden residents decide on traffic calming measures

Last year a considerable number of residents in High Hesleden told us of their concerns about vehicles speeding through their village. It was reported that there had been a number of accidents and near-misses and they were strongly of the opinion that traffic calming measures would help to prevent a serious accident in the village.

We asked officers in the highways section at county hall to consult with residents in an attempt to find out which type of traffic calming measures they felt would be the most effective and appropriate for the village. 

The first two consultations, although showing that residents felt that traffic calming measures were definitely required, did not give a clear enough indication to highways officers to enable them to proceed with a particular model so we agreed to a third round of consultation to try and reach a stronger level of consensus (please see post dated Monday 3 November 2014 for further information).

Highways officers have now told us that the third round of consultation shows that 77% of residents responding have indicated a clear preference for a particular model of traffic calming throughout the village (chicanes). Officers are of the opinion that this is a sufficiently strong indication of support for the scheme to go ahead in line with residents wishes. 

We have reproduced below the information we have received:

November Consultation – Chicanes
Total Replies – 43
In Favour of the proposed scheme – 33 (77%)
Against proposed scheme – 10 (23%)

We have now asked officers to inform residents of the outcome of the consultation and also to set out the next steps required to progress this matter to a satisfactory conclusion as quickly as possible.