Tuesday 3 June 2014

Speeding on Crimdon bank

Following complaints about traffic and obstructive overgrowth on Crimdon bank in March we have been contacted again by residents concerned about speeding at this location.

We have contacted the traffic management officer at Durham police and also the highways department at the county council with these concerns and have asked them to investigate further and advise on a solution.

Back in March we were told by the police that as the stretch of road between Crimdon and Hartlepool is currently a 60mph zone it is not suitable for a Community Speedwatch scheme which can be useful in slowing down traffic in some areas.

However, following our contact again today with Durham police, we have been told that they are awaiting the outcome of an ongoing 24-hour, 7-day traffic survey by the county council in the area and that the information from that survey will guide them on any potential solution.

We will update on progress with this matter as soon as we hear from either the police or the council. In the meantime if you have any complaints about speeding in your particular area please let us know in the usual way.