Saturday 31 May 2014

Hesleden pit heap - planning process update

As detailed recently on this site, along with the parish clerk we met last month with the planning case officer from DCC when we put to him our main objections to Hargreaves' proposals to remove the pit heap at Hesleden (see post dated 29 April 2014)

These objections are primarily about road safety, traffic generation, infrastructure damage and residents’ loss of amenity. The case officer listened carefully to the issues we raised but gave the impression that, in his opinion, some or all of those matters were either not “material” or that they could be mitigated under condition measures. We do not accept this and we told the case officer so.

However, as always, the case officer will consider the representations presented to him by the applicant, by statutory consultees and by members of the public (including us, of course). He will then make a recommendation as part of his report to the planning committee and we will have our opportunity to put our side of the argument when the matter is submitted to committee, some time in late summer we are told.

Although it is always helpful when an officer makes recommendations that reflect your own perspective it is not the end of the game if he or she doesn’t. For example, planning officers recommended that plans be approved when the application to build a crematorium at Castle Eden was submitted last year to DCC. However we helped to organise a community campaign to oppose that recommendation and the members of the planning committee agreed with us when it was put before them, resulting in the proposals being refused (see post dated 1 April 2014 for full details).

Incidentally we met again last week with residents at Castle Eden and we have submitted a further 26 letters of objection to the Hargreaves' proposal to the planning office on their behalf. Although they carry little weight in purely planning terms, petitions and public objections are quite a useful back up when we are addressing the planning committee. As such we think it is absolutely vital that residents and businesses make their views known to the council.

This week Monk Hesleden Parish Council objected in writing to the planning office and our own formal objection letter will be submitted in the next week or so, as soon as we have had the opportunity to trawl through all of the representations available.

We will continue to monitor progress in relation to this issue, and update on this site on any significant developments. In the meantime, if you have any comments to make regarding this planning application please contact the case officer Chris Shields on: