Wednesday 12 February 2014

Proposed closure of Deneholme to vehicles

From previous posts on this site you will be aware of the ongoing problem of fly-tipping on the approach road to the beach at Deneholme, Blackhall Colliery. Regular waste collections carried out by the council added a considerable burden to already over-stretched budgets so the Heritage Coast officer initiated a consultation on the potential closure of the access road to vehicular traffic.

Following this public consultation exercise, carried out last year, we have now received the following update from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership setting out their proposed next steps. We have reproduced this in full below:

Following on from our site visits and the informal public consultations last year I have instructed DCC Highways colleagues to draw up a formal closure programme.

The informal consultation provided 34 responses supporting closure and one against. We also found that there was a significant body of opinion that favoured closure at the Allotment Junction. This is in line with our onsite discussions.

Once Highways have drawn together a programme, I suggest that we meet to ensure that the approach to be take is agreed prior to any implementation.

We understand that there may be a short delay to allow for the Durham police traffic management officer to register comments so if you wish to offer your own comments please email the Heritage Coast officer, Niall Benson on: