Friday 10 January 2014

Update on the A1086 Blackhall to Horden landslip works

Following our previous reports in December 2013 (see posts dated 3 & 17 December 2013) regarding the possibility of road works to rectify a landslip on the A1086 between Blackhall and Horden, we have now received a further update from the highways section at Durham County Council.

We are aware that rumours persist in relation to this matter so for the avoidance of confusion we have reproduced the highways section update in full below:

Following a review of the Site Investigation Report we have considered the recommendations identified in Aecom’s report and prepared a draft proposal based on these recommendations. This has been discussed with Aecom to verify its acceptability and a way forward identified. Given the nature of the proposed works and the previous involvement of Aecom they have been approached to undertake the detailed design and have been asked to provide a fee estimate to undertake this design work. Subject to the design and no issues with utilities it is hoped to have a solution prepared to allow a site start early in the next financial year.

Once the proposal has been further developed it will be forwarded to the utility companies to ascertain potential implication for utility apparatus. The main issue concerns the existing gas main at the top of the slip. Any requirement to divert this could have significant implications for both cost and programme although initial discussions with Aecom have identified that the proposals should have minimal further impact on the A1086 and the existing utilities.

With respect to the temporary traffic restriction on the A1086 Coast Road past the slip. We have carried out trial holes in the west footpath/verge to locate existing utility apparatus. This has identified significant apparatus within the footpath/verge which as identified in the previous email would make any widening potentially costly and not a quick solution due to timescales for utilities with any required works also needing a full road closure. As identified in the previous update there is evidence of further cracks in the verge to the rear of the that kerb suggests that further movement has occurred since the initial slip. This slip was caused by high water content and given the current weather conditions, in the interest of public safety I would not advise reopening the road to two way traffic as further significant movement is likely to impact the carriageway.

We are aware of numerous rumours and concerns regarding full closure of the road to undertake remedial work in the near future. I can confirm that there is no road closure currently programmed to undertake any works and we are hopeful subject to development of the detailed design any proposed remedial works can be undertaken whilst maintaining the current traffic arrangement. Should this change all interested parties will be kept informed and further discussions held.
We will continue to publish regular updates on this issue but please feel free to contact us if you require any further information in the meantime.