Saturday 5 October 2013

Update on Blackhall drainage issues

We have received a progress report recently from the drainage engineer, and at the risk of tempting fate we seem to be in a position to report that the long running flooding problem in the Chicken's Green/St Joseph's area has been resolved.

Clearly we won't know for certain that works have been fully successful but the engineer's report appears positive enough. We'll sit tight now and wait for heavy downpours over the winter months to test his optimism!

We have copied the engineer's comments below for your information:
Here is my update for the above. Works in this area are now complete.  

A new connection has been constructed from the Coast Road highway drainage to a culverted watercourse in Chickens Green.  

During the investigation it was discovered that the highway drainage which serves in excess of 800m of the coast road connected to an non operating soakaway near the Chicken’s Green Play Area.  This resulted in regular flooding at the lower areas mainly around the junction of the B1281 and Emerson Court.

Following the completion of the works there have been no reported flooding of the highway in this area.