Friday 4 October 2013

Street lighting matters

Following the conclusion of the county council's recent public consultation on the provision of street lighting we have asked for a meeting with the head of strategic highways at county hall to discuss further the potential to reinstate street lighting on the roads connecting the villages in our ward.

In our written response to the consultation exercise we drew the council's attention to the necessity for adequate lighting on the roads between our villages because of very strong social and family links, particularly between people from Blackhall and the Hesledens.

We have also insisted that lighting in these areas is essential to ensure public safety, especially given the poor public transport links between the villages as a result of bus companies withdrawing services which they see as unviable (please see elsewhere on this site for details of our campaign to reinstate bus services in the area).

We will keep you updated on progress but in the meantime please let us know if you have any particular concerns about street lighting in our area.