Thursday 11 July 2013

Access gates to be made secure at Hackworth Road industrial estate

We have received reports recently from residents concerned that the gates at the southern end of the Hackworth Road industrial estate, leading onto the former pit site, had been damaged to the extent that trespass was possible. It was reported that children had been seen playing in the area which adjoins the railway track - itself open to trespass. The risks involved are serious and obvious and need not be detailed here.

The estates department at county hall has been made aware of this problem and we have expressed our concerns, on behalf of residents, that if this illegal and dangerous access issue is not addressed immediately there could be a tragedy on the site.

It is also noted that the former pit site should be kept clear of any obstructions at all times to ensure that utilities companies and emergency vehicles can get onto the site whenever required. We will do all we can to make sure that this area is made secure in order to prevent access or obstruction and to ensure the safety of residents and visitors alike.