Wednesday 3 April 2013

Station Town planning application

The planning application for the former Co-op store housing development is due to be submitted to the planning committee next Tuesday, 9 April. Officers have recommended approval for 9 houses as detailed in the original application. 

They have addressed my concerns about access to and from the site and have confirmed that traffic will be limited to access from the north only and that the newly reinstated bollards will remain in place between the site and Church Street.

According to the committee report there were only 3 objections received and two of those are deemed to be civil matters between the two parties, rather than material planning considerations which could alter or influence planning consent. The other issue raised came from a resident nearby who suggested that a recorded visual history be made of the building in recognition of its historical significance to the community. This is recommended to be done before works start on site.

I have registered to speak at the planning committee next week but I will forego the opportunity if there are no significant, additional planning issues from residents prior to the date of the committee. However I still intend going along to the committee hearing, just to be on the safe side.