Wednesday 13 March 2013

Progress on Hutton Henry and Blackhall drainage issues

I have worked closely over recent months with the clerk of Monk Hesleden Parish Council on two particularly stubborn drainage problems in my ward at Chicken's Green, Blackhall and Rodridge Hall, Hutton Henry (see previous posts dated 26 September, 26 November, 27 November & 6 December 2012 and 17 January, 29 January & 19 February 2013).

The clerk asked for an update report recently and received the response reproduced below, which confirms that real progress has been made on both issues. 

A large amount of material has been removed from the highway drains near the primary school. The drainage will be much improved, the only outstanding work is to survey the system downstream to add the details/route etc. to our records. This will allow for greater future maintenance and will make the reaction to any future problems much quicker.

Rodridge Lane is awaiting a full CCTV survey and cleansing, this will allow us to better understand the cause of flooding in the area and if necessary come up with a plan to reduce the flooding risk. Unfortunately it looks like this will now be started in April do to the greater priority we are giving to property flooding.  I’ll keep you updated as soon as I have more details.