Monday 4 February 2013

Update on parking issues at St Joseph's RC Primary

Last week I arranged a site meeting to address reported traffic related concerns at St Joseph’s RC school and adjacent areas in Blackhall Colliery (see post dated 19 December 2012). I invited school staff, parents and representatives from the police, county council highway's section and neighbourhood wardens, along with the clerk and chair of Monk Hesleden Parish Council. I have summarised below the outcome of the meeting, along with an outline of proposed next steps:

The main problem in the area around the school appears to be associated with congestion and parking in the street between the school and the Aged Miners’ Homes. This is reported to be particularly bad at peak times (for example the start and end of the school day) but tends to persist through the working day. There are related parking issues to the north of the school in the street behind the Co-op store. Problems at both sites are long-term and are causing concern for residents, businesses, visitors and school staff, parents and pupils.

Those in attendance at the meeting on Wednesday 30 January agreed that the most appropriate solution(s) would be focused on enabling easier and safer parking, rather than on enforcement. It was also recommended that the involvement of school pupils in reaching a solution and promoting its benefits would be invaluable.

Initial suggestions to alleviate parking problems included:

  • The use of St Joseph's RC church car park. It was agreed that an access point linking the car park to the school perimeter fence would be helpful to ensure the safety of the children
  • The use of Blackhall Community Centre car park. A pathway linking the car park and the school already exists although a gateway would be needed if this option were to be pursued further
  • The use of nearby unused land for car parking. There are two DCC owned plots of land near to the school and at the library site which could be better used to ensure traffic and pedestrian safety in the area. I have asked officers in the DCC estates section to consider the use or sale of these two plots for these purposes

It was agreed that these initial findings be tabled at the next meeting of the Blackhall Youth & Community Group (to be held on Thursday 7 February 2013) to ensure that all parties were engaged and were able to contribute to any agreed solution.

Please note that the points raised above are simply initial ideas and do not comprise a list of recommendations at this stage. Points raised at the Youth & Community Group will be reported on this site in due course. In the meantime, if you have any ideas or suggestions please contact me through this site or at: