Thursday 10 January 2013

Public Meeting report - Eden Transport, High Hesleden

I wrote recently about a planning application for 9 new executive homes on the site of the Eden Transport (Cracknell's) business in High Hesleden (see posts dated 10 December 2012 and 7 January 2013 for further details).

Following an informal meeting I held before Christmas with residents from the village there were a number of unresolved issues which required clarification so I invited planning officers from the county council to meet with me and residents at an open meeting held in Hesleden Community Centre last night (Wednesday 9 January 2013).

I chaired the meeting which was very well attended by about 40 members of the public along with the clerk and members of the parish council. The applicant and his agent were also in attendance.

Residents concerns over the planning process and the format of the planning committee meeting were raised. These were addressed by the planning officers who also set out the formal reasons to be used in supporting or opposing a planning application (generally known as material planning considerations). 

The planning officers gave a brief overview of the outline planning application which will be subject to a further and separate application under "reserved matters." This will address the detail of the proposal at some point in the future if consent is given in outline. The application had been due to be submitted to the planning committee at county hall in mid-February but this may be delayed to to March to allow for the case officer to gather further information before compiling his report to committee.

Therefore it is important to note that representations from members of the public and other interested parties should be submitted to the case officer by the end of January in order for their views to be included in the report:

I may hold further meetings about these proposals in due course and I will update on progress regularly on this site. However, in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns about this planning application, or the process to be used in reaching a decision, please contact me through this site or at: