Thursday 10 January 2013

Landslip at Green Stairs

I have reproduced below a note received from the Countryside Strategic Manager at the county council relating to a landslip and enforced closure of a beach access point between Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon:

I am sorry to have to advise you that Green Stairs, that give access to the beach, is to be closed on the advice of the Drainage and Coastal Defence Manager following a significant cliff fall. He advises that works to stabilise the cliff to ensure the structure’s long-term integrity and public safety may be as much as £1m. As the steps are currently a considerable safety hazard, some temporary barrier has been installed and investigations are taking place to determine how best to practically ensure public access does not continue.

I imagine there is a possibility that the steps could be reinstated at some time in the future but advice received is that they should be closed with immediate effect. As you will be aware, this section of the coast is identified in the Shoreline Management Plan as having a policy of ‘no active intervention’, partly because of the SSSI and SAC designations and its relatively remote location. The erosion process is an accepted natural event and the local fauna and flora that make the area so ecologically important, depend on this process. The Drainage and Coastal Defence Manager advises that we, as an Authority, have to employ a policy of managed retreat for any assets we may have in the affected area.

I will liaise with the Heritage Coast Manager to ensure any necessary public information is appropriately communicated.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter please contact the Countryside Strategic Manager, Andy Niven, on 0191 372 9101 or at: