Monday 7 January 2013

High Hesleden planning application

I wrote recently about a planning application for a housing development at the Eden Transport site in High Hesleden (see post dated 10 December 2012).

I held a preliminary meeting with residents in the village just before Christmas in order to gauge local feelings about the proposal. There were a number of questions raised regarding the impact of the development and also about the planning process itself so I have invited planning officers from the county council to come and meet with me and the residents to discuss those matters further.

The meeting I have arranged will be held on 

Wednesday 9 January 2013 at 6pm in Hesleden Community Centre

The meeting is open to anyone who has an interest in this planning application, and especially those residents from High Hesleden to wish to know more about the proposals. I have also invited the clerk and members of the parish council along as they will have a role in making representations to the council.

If you need any further information please contact me:

Finally I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Barry Bates and the committee members of Hesleden Community Centre for providing the venue at such short notice.