Thursday 10 January 2013

Community Forum report for January 2013

The latest meeting of the Community Forum was held last night at the Resource Centre at Blackhall Colliery. The meeting was chaired by PCSO Ian Goodwin because I was at a public meeting at Hesleden (see post dated 10 January, below).

The Community Forum meeting received complaints about the following issues:

  • Rubbish and fly-tipping in rear yards at Second Street, Third Street and Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery
  • Unlawful access to the former care home at Glendale House
  • Potholes in the road behind Glenholme Terrace and
  • Continuing street lighting problems at the library and in Seventh Street, Blackhall Colliery

I had already notified the authorities last week about the accumulation of rubbish in the yards of private properties in Second Street and Third Street and also at Middle Street (you will be aware from reports I posted last year on this site that the property at 29 Middle Street is an ongoing problem). Neighbourhood wardens are aware of this further complaint and they will contact the landlord again with a direction to clear the yard and also a request to make the area secure to prevent a recurrence.

I have recently reported the potholes in Glenholme Terrace following a separate complaint and I have again reported the faulty lights at the library and in Seventh Street.

The ongoing problem of illegal access at Glendale will be addressed by PCSO Goodwin and will be established as the PACT priority for this month.

I will update on progress with these matters in due course.