Thursday 17 January 2013

Black Path resurfacing underway

Following a long running campaign run jointly with Monk Hesleden Parish Council I have received a progress report on resurfacing works to the Black Path which links Blackhall Colliery to High Hesleden and Blackhall Rocks (see post dated 6 November 2012 for further details).

The senior rights of way officer at Durham County Council has now confirmed with me that hedges and undergrowth along the path have been cut back and the culvert at the mid-point has been repaired. Within the next week or so - dependent on the weather - an excavator will scrape the surface of the path to prepare for the tarmac application which is expected to be completed by next month.

Given the current inclement weather conditions I will maintain contact with the relevant department at county hall over the coming weeks to ensure that works progress wherever possible.