Friday 30 November 2012

Welfare benefits advice

Durham County Council has issued the following advice regarding changes to welfare benefits due to take effect next year:

As you may be aware the Government is introducing wide ranging changes to welfare benefits.  A project team has been established to look at these changes and undertake the work required to ensure we are able to support the changes being made where we can and our residents are made aware of the changes and the impact of these.

One of the changes being made by Government is the introduction in April 2013 of ‘under occupancy’ criteria which will see housing benefit reduced for those tenants who are classed as under occupying their property.  As an example tenants will in future be classed as under occupying their home if they have more bedrooms than they need e.g. a single occupant in a two bedroomed house.  This is one of the areas of work the project team has been looking at and we will be contacting approximately 8,300 social housing tenants across County Durham who we believe will be affected by this charge.

The letters are to be sent in batches from Monday 3rd December and will advise the tenant of the introduction of the under occupancy criteria and will ask them to confirm that the detail held on the Housing Benefit system about them is correct.  We have been working with our housing providers on this communication exercise and the letters will provide contact details for their landlord should tenants have any specific questions regarding their personal circumstances.  A Q&A leaflet with further information about this charge will also be included with the letter.

Customer Services have also been involved with the planning of the distribution of the letters and have been briefed on the contents of the letter. They are prepared should there be an increase in calls or visits as a result of these letters, but it is anticipated that tenants will contact their landlords first.