Friday 16 November 2012

Update on street light repairs

I have now received a response from the county council regarding my query about faulty street lighting on the road between Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery and also on the road connecting Hesleden with High Hesleden (see post dated 14 November 2012).

Highways engineers have told me that the lights have been out as a result of cable theft in the area some time ago, and that the council is currently assessing similar incidents across the county with a view to replacing cables where required.

In noting these comments I have concerns that the council appears to be taking its time in carrying out repairs, perhaps saving money while the streets are in complete darkness. I have contacted highways engineers again to tell them that I find this entirely unacceptable. Both roads are well used by walkers and motorists alike and the current blackout presents an obvious threat to public safety.

I will persist in applying pressure on the council to replace these street light cables as a matter of urgency to ensure the safety of walkers and other road users in our villages.