Wednesday 14 November 2012

Delay in street light repairs

Over the past two months I have reported an increasing number of broken and faulty street lights throughout our villages. In the vast majority of cases repairs are completed within the week but there are exceptions....

Lights have been out along a stretch of the main road between Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery at Hardwicke Hall and also along the road connecting High Hesleden with Hesleden. Both instances have been reported a number of times recently to the highway engineers but there has been no progress to date. I find this particularly frustrating given that both routes are popular with walkers and are also very busy traffic routes between our villages and the A19. Clearly blacked out roads present a danger to road users, particularly at this time of year when daylight hours are short.

As a consequence I spoke to the highway department again on Monday morning to request a detailed response to my continued queries, and I have specifically asked for an explanation for the delay in carrying out repairs in these two areas. I will report further when a response is received but in the meantime please let me know of any similar problems in your area.