Durham County Council provides assistance to
those residents who are unable to put their bin or box out on collection day
due to ill health, infirmity and disability. This important service is set to
continue, but from time to time we need to update our records, to ensure that
it continues to be focussed on those who need it. Circumstances can
change of course, including new occupants, so it is important that we check if
the service is still required.
Durham County Council will be
contacting those on the assist list asking if they still need our help. Areas
within your constituency are within the first phase which starts on 8th
October. The response form is simple to complete (see attached), and we will
provide postage paid envelopes to minimise any inconvenience. Alternatively,
the response can be done on-line at www.durham.gov.uk/assistedcollections. We will also follow up with reminder letters if this is necessary.
Customer Services on 03000 261000 will be
pleased to help if you have any queries.