Sunday 9 September 2012

Success in tackling fly-tipping in Blackhall

Last month I wrote on this site about an incident of fly-tipping in the rear yard of an empty private property in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery (see post dated 20 August 2012). At the time I reported that the council had issued the landlord with a 28-day notice to clear the property of debris, or have the rubbish cleared by the council at the landlords expense.

I visited the area this afternoon to check on progress and I was pleasantly surprised to note that  the rear yard has now been cleared within the notice period. I intend now to follow this up with pressure on the landlord to make the property secure to prevent further incidents of this nature.

This particular incident was reported to the Community Forum which I chair and which meets every month at the Resource Centre in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery. The next meeting will be held this coming Wednesday 12 September at 6pm. This is the perfect opportunity for members of the public to meet with me and representatives from the police and neighbourhood wardens to report incidents of any nature which affect the Blackhall area.

If you aren't able to attend the Forum and you have an issue you would like to raise with me please let me know through this blog, by email or by telephone, details of which can be found elsewhere on this site.

The rear yard at Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery, now cleared by the landlord following my intervention through the Community Forum.