Friday 10 August 2012

Press Release - Blackhall Rocks Clean-up Event

This is a press release issued by East Durham Homes regarding the community clean-up event at Blackhall Rocks yesterday (see also post dated 9 August 2012 for further details):
Young ones cleaning up the Rocks!

East Durham Homes hosted an event on Thursday 9 August encouraging young people to ‘clean-up’ their Estate area and engage with their community.

Young people, aged 5 - 13, from the Blackhall Rocks area carried out litter-picking and helped their neighbours by taking rubbish away prior to their summer fayre event to be held  on Saturday 11 August.  Two skips, provided by EDH partners Morrison and Wates were also available for members of the community to get rid of any unwanted household items. 

Special thanks to Morrison, Wates, Durham Constabulary, Durham County Council and Blackhall Rocks Residents Association, who supported the event,

Rolling up his sleeves and leading by example Cllr Rob Crute said: “This morning’s litter pick activity proved to be an excellent opportunity for the young people on the estates of Blackhall Rocks to work together with older residents to make their streets cleaner and safer. It would be good to see this established as a routine exercise to be carried out in the future”.

Due to popular demand of youth drop in nights at Kasko House, 10 young people and the committee of the residents group raised approx £150 from  sponsorship with the event so that they can continue to provide activities and a safe place to go for young people living on their estates. Due to the good work and aspirations of the Residents group funding has also been pledged from local councillors Alan Cox and Rob Crute to refurbish and to sustain Kasko House.

For further information contact Debbie Lunn, Communications and Marketing Officer on (0191) 518 5359 or email

Photo:  Young people of Blackhall Rocks with residents, staff from EDH, Morrison, Wates, Durham Constabulary and Durham County Councillors.

Above: Sleeves up, ready for work (well most of us anyway)!