Tuesday 7 August 2012

Planning Application at High Hesleden

Durham County Council has received a planning application for 5 stables, tack room, hay store and access at a site between High Hesleden and Monk Hesleden.

This is effectively a resubmission of a previous planning application, details of which can be found elsewhere on this site (see blogs dated 12 June & 2 July 2012).

As ever, I see public involvement as central to the planning process and I would encourage anyone who has an interest in this application to take a look in further detail at the DCC planning portal:


Follow the "application search" link and enter the reference number PL/5/2012/0303

If you have any comments on this application please register them with the planning section using the same facility.

I believe that every planning application should be decided on its own merits and it is essential that as many people as possible have a say to ensure that we get the right developments in the right place at the right time. 

I will follow progress closely on this application so please let me know if you have any comments or concerns.