Friday 29 June 2012

Miliband at 2012 Durham Big Meeting

Click on the link above for the original article in The Guardian

 Ed Miliband has cheered up his northern troops by announcing that he will speak at the Durham Miners Gala on Bastille Day this year.

He lost out all round last July by dropping out because of other commitments, which was widely taken as a euphemism for avoiding appearing on the same bill as the fiery railworkers' leader Bob Crow.

That upset party activists without especially impressing the middle ground, leaving the juggling act familiar to all Labour leaders in disarray. Warmth this time will be correspondingly widespread. It's natural, surely, for the party's top man to appear at the Big Meeting, just as you expect to see Conservative leaders at comparable jollifications in the shires.

Actually, no. Miliband will be the first Labour leader for 23 years to speak at the Gala one of those symbolic morsels of fact which will spice up political histories in years to come. For years, the name and associations of the event had all the connotations which New Labour least wanted to embrace.

In reality, it is a grand day out for all the family, rich in history, colour and of course music, extremely good-natured and, as is often the way with long-lived political events, a focus for the changing views and strategies of radicals and reformers. Miliband's fellow-speakers on 14 July, for instance, will include Shami Chakrabarti, director of  Liberty, as well as John Hendy, the  QC, nick-named 'the miners' brief' and Tom Watson MP, the scourge of the Murdochs.

Instead of heading for the doldrums, as looked its fate after Neil Kinnock made the last Labour leader's speech there in 1989, the Gala is now the UK's biggest regular union fixture and popular with contemporary musicians as well as the lovely brass bands. Welcoming Miliband's decision, Dave Hopper, the secretary of the Durham Miners' Association, tells the Northern Echo:

It is the natural place, in my opinion, for the Labour Party leader to be. Hopefully, it has ended a very barren period where a number of people thought that it was wrong to come here. I think he will do himself more good than harm.

Hopper acknowledges the effective boycott under John Smith, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, adding:

One or two of them tried to change the party; change the politics. They thought that we were just old dinosaurs who did not mean anything. But contrary to most people's expectations the Gala is more important now than it has ever been.

Let's hope he will tell us we are going to be the next government and we are going to fight these Tories and fights these attacks on the working class.

A spokesman for Labour in the region says:

The Big Meeting is one of the highlights of the Labour movement's calendar and we look forward to welcoming Ed to Durham in the summer for what I'm sure will be an enjoyable day.

Whatever your politics, get it in your diary. The atmosphere is infectious and Durham is a lovely place. 

Glendale House, Blackhall Colliery

Despite a hard fought campaign by the Glendale Action Group (which I set up to oppose the council's closure plans and which included myself, care home staff, residents and their families) Glendale House residential care home closed its doors for the last time in 2011.

At that time I was given an assurance by Durham County Council that its closure would not have a negative impact on residents living nearby in Orchid Court, Daffodil Close or Primrose Court. Unfortunately I have received a number of complaints recently about the general condition of the building and the surrounding site. These issues have also been raised persistently as a concern at the Community Forum I chair at the Resource Centre on the second Wednesday of each month.

I have contacted the estates department at county hall to ask for an update on the current ownership status of Glendale House and I have also been in touch with the environmental section to ask that the grass be cut back as its current unruly condition sends out all the wrong messages (I visited the site earlier this week and saw evidence of damage to the property as a result of an attempted break-in). I have also asked that the police and neighbourhood wardens give the area some priority over the coming weeks and months to act as a deterrent for potential trespassers.

I have been advised by the estates department that the sale of Glendale House is at an advanced stage and that new ownership should be finalised in the next two weeks. I am told that this is the reason for the delay in carrying out repairs to the property and for the grounds maintenance matters remaining unresolved. I do not accept this excuse.

The ownership of the site is of no particular importance at the moment to the residents living nearby. They are much more interested in identifying who is responsible for maintaining the site and then seeing it returned to an acceptable condition.

I have passed my concerns and comments to the relevant departments at county hall and asked  that the residents problems be resolved without delay.

I will keep you informed of developments in this matter but please let me know in the meantime  if you have any particular issues you would like me to address.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Blackhall Rocks - Replacement Bus Shelter

You may be aware from posts elsewhere on this site that the bus shelter at Coast View, Blackhall Rocks was destroyed by fire back in March (details in post dated 20 March). I reported this incident to the relevant section at the county council the day after the fire and was told that a new shelter had been placed on order with an estimated replacement period of 8 to 10 weeks.

Following the wet weather recently I received a query from a resident in the area regarding the replacement shelter so I contacted the highways department to relay the resident's concerns and to request an instalment date.

I received a call this afternoon to confirm that the new bus shelter is scheduled to be installed next week (the week commencing 2 July 2012).

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hospital Service Proposals Postponed - Hartlepool Mail

Hospital services move plans on hold - Hartlepool Mail

Click on the link above for the latest update on hospital service proposals

I welcome the move by the Hartlepool and Stockton Clinical Commissioning Group to postpone its proposals to move services from Hartlepool hospital and refer them to Hartlepool Borough Council.

Unfortunately, once again the people of my ward and the rest of East Durham are bypassed just as they were during the Momentum proposals.

I have contacted the Hartlepool Mail this afternoon to let them know of my continuing concerns over the removal of health services from Hartlepool along with the consistent approach of health bosses in ignoring the people of this area.

Highways Issues at High Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery

I was out and about yesterday morning in High Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery with the parish council clerk and an officer from the highways section to follow up on some road and traffic issues raised locally over the past few weeks.

As a result I have been assured that new road markings and replacement warning signs are to be installed at High Hesleden near to the junction with Fillpoke Lane. A number of near misses have been reported in this area because of the blind bend and traffic parked at the corner. I initially asked for a convex mirror to be placed on the bend to allow for motorists to assess oncoming traffic but I was told that because of public liability issues (and a reluctance on the part of the Ministry of Transport to give consent as required by law) this is no longer considered an acceptable option.

I have also asked for replacement traffic direction signs at the junction to Monk Hesleden and these are to be installed in the next few weeks.

We visited Ninth Street in Blackhall Colliery next where there are problems of parking and obstruction, particularly in the area around the staff car park gates. Bollards were installed on the kerb here recently to prevent people from parking on the pavement and obstructing wheelchair and pushchair users. This scheme was successful in its aim but it created a problem for people leaving the school car park in that they were unable to see up or down the street to pull out and were also unable to get out at all if cars were parked opposite the gates.

I have asked that lines be painted into the road to act as a deterrent to people parking in the immediate area, especially during school hours. This will also increase the visibility splay for motorists and ensure safer access and egress. I am sure that people will agree that the safety of our children is of paramount importance and that they will park accordingly.

If you are aware of any traffic or highway issues in your area please let me know and I will help wherever possible.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Labour MP Tom Watson to speak at Durham Big Meeting

Click on the link above for details of one of the speakers at this years Big Meeting.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Blackhall Labour Party Resolution on Hartlepool Hospital

On Friday 22 June 2012 the Easington Constituency Labour Party (CLP) unanimously endorsed a resolution I submitted on behalf of the Blackhall Labour Party in relation to the retention of all services at the University Hospital of Hartlepool (UHH).

Blackhall Labour Party had noted the continual removal of services from the Holdforth Road site despite the policy of the CLP to retain and return all services to UHH. It was agreed to draft a resolution (copied in full below) to reaffirm the policy of the CLP in opposing the moves of the North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Trust to close the hospital under the sham Momentum programme which had been imposed despite massive public opposition in Hartlepool and East Durham.

This latest development follows my letter to the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman earlier this month to request that the Trust be investigated over its failure to consult the people I represent on its closure programme (full details are available in a separate post dated 18 June).

UHH Resolution: Blackhall Labour Party

The Easington Constituency Labour Party (CLP) condemns the continuing actions of the North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Trust in removing ever more services from the Holdforth Road site at the University Hospital of Hartlepool (UHH) without a clear mandate and against the wishes of the people of East Durham.

Further this CLP condemns the Trust for its persistent failure to consult or engage with the residents of East Durham and reiterates its policy regarding UHH that all services must remain at the Holdforth Road site and that those already removed must be reinstated to ensure a safe and effective health service for the people of East Durham.

Rob Crute, Secretary:

Barry Chambers, Chairman:

19 June 2012

Thursday 21 June 2012

Hesleden Pit Heap

I received a report yesterday from PCSO Ian Goodwin of a breach of the old workings at the former pit heap site at Hesleden. Whilst I am assured that there is no danger my immediate concern of course is to ensure public safety by making the site safe and secure to prevent unauthorised access.

I have contacted planning officers at Durham County Council to ensure that they are aware of this matter and to ask that they maintain contact with the owners of the site to mitigate the effects of the breach.

I have also contacted the Coal Authority to ask them to confirm their involvement with the landowners in making the workings safe and to ensure public safety by securing the site against unauthorised access.

I will keep you updated with developments in ensuring public safety at the site but in the meantime please avoid the area and make sure that your children are aware and that they stay away too.


It is reported that the problem with the breach relates to an outflow pipe near to the bridge at Hesleden Dene. It is also confirmed that the Coal Authority is on site and is dealing with the problem.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

£20k youth boost

Click on the link above for details of a successful funding bid by the parish council to continue youth projects in Blackhall.

Proposals for new facilities at Crimdon

I have asked for a meeting with officers from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership and the East Durham Area Action Partnership (AAP) to discuss proposals for a new cafeteria and toilet block at Crimdon.

I believe it is vital that every effort is made to re-develop Crimdon to its full potential to act as a catalyst for further regeneration in the area and also to encourage tourism. The proposed new facilities will also link to the ongoing coastal pathways project and create new job and apprenticeship opportunities.

You may be aware from posts elsewhere on this site that I have campaigned persistently for a rail halt or station in our area and I will continue to pursue this option as part of a wider regeneration plan for.

The next step will be to identify funding for the toilet and cafeteria plans and I will keep you informed of developments as they arise but please let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to make in the meantime.

Monday 18 June 2012

Hartlepool Hospital: Letter to the Health Service Ombudsman

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write to you regarding the continuing removal of healthcare services from the University Hospital of Hartlepool (UHH) by the North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Trust (the Trust). I believe this to be done without meaningful and inclusive consultation with service users and against the wishes of the people of East Durham.

I am aware that you have been contacted recently by a colleague from Hartlepool (Keith Fisher) and that you have made judgement on his complaint as it relates to the population of Hartlepool. I would like you now to consider investigating the actions of the Trust in removing services at UHH without consultation with the residents of East Durham.

I have raised this point of complaint with Trust representatives on a number of occasions in the past and they have insisted that residents in East Durham were consulted by Trust representatives reporting progress on the Momentum Pathways to Healthcare programme to the Health Scrutiny Committee at Durham County Council. I believe there is no definition by which this could accurately be described as consultation.

Despite being offered several opportunities to demonstrate that they have consulted in a realistically defined manner the Trust has failed consistently to provide evidence. In effect this means that the residents of East Durham face the continued loss of local healthcare services simply because they are not deemed worthy of consideration or consultation, perhaps because they constitute a small part of a much larger local authority and have thereby dipped beneath the Trust’s radar.

I would be grateful therefore if you would consider investigating the actions of the Trust and the consequent plight of the people of East Durham in losing an essential service against their wishes, against natural justice and without the benefit of due process.


Blackhall Division
Durham County Council

Phone: 07827 232 289

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Policy on Wind Turbines

Due to the huge increase in wind turbine applications throughout county Durham, and specifically in our area in East Durham, I have written to the planning section at Durham County Council to advise them of my intention to seek to implement a policy of “presumption against” wind farm planning applications. 

In effect this would mean that any company wishing to submit a planning application for a wind farm in county Durham would be made aware that the default position of the council would be to oppose such applications. 

We introduced a similar policy at the former Easington District Council in relation to telecommunications masts and this proved very effective in acting as a deterrent to prospective planning applications.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Digital Durham - Broadband Update

Durham County Council is seeking support from residents, businesses and communities for a roll-out across the county of its superfast broadband programme.

The council has already secured £7m in matched funding from central government but as a condition for the funding it must now demonstrate community demand for the service in order to take the scheme to the next level.

If the council is unable to prove that residents support the programme for high speed broadband then up to 60% of the county could miss out on coverage in future.

If you are online you can access further details (including current broadband download speeds) and register your support at: and by entering Digital Durham in the search bar.

Alternatively you can contact the Digital Durham team on:

03000 261 160 or by email on

High Hesleden Planning Application

The council has received a planning application for the erection of a 15 bay stable block, detached barn, associated hard standing and access for a field next to the road which links High Hesleden with Monk Hesleden. The site is immediately north of the Haswell to Hart walkway, on the same side of the road as the poultry sheds.

I have contacted the case officer in the planning department at the council to seek clarification on the purpose of the application as it remains unclear whether it relates either to residential or business use. The case officer is due to meet the applicant in the near future but in the meantime I want to ensure that as many residents as possible are aware of the application in order to gauge their views.

At the moment the application is due to be decided under delegated authority (by the case officer) but if my enquiries suggest that it may be contentious I will request that it is submitted to the planning committee to ensure my direct involvement and to enable residents to express their concerns and views.

I will keep you up to date with developments as they arise but in the meantime please let me know if you have any comments to make - either in favour or against.

Monday 11 June 2012

Blackhall Rocks Picnic area

Please click on the link above for the latest on the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership's plans for environmental improvements at the picnic area at Blackhall Rocks.

I want to ensure that the funding remains in our village but I also want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to have a say on the proposals - some of which may be contentious. That's why I've asked the Partnership to consult the public.

If you have any comments to make please let me know and I'll make sure that they are passed on to the DHC Partnership.

Skatepark Plans

Skatepark plan for village - Hartlepool Mail

Please click on the link above for an update on the skatepark petition as reported in the Hartlepool Mail recently