Wednesday 25 April 2012

Blackhall Rocks & Crimdon Issues

1. Dogs at Blackhall Rocks: 
I have received reports from residents recently about uncontrolled dogs at the Blackhall Rocks estate, some of which are running loose and some roaming free in the yards of properties when postal workers are delivering mail.

This has resulted in a number of attacks on postal workers and residents are understandably concerned that this may have an impact on future postal deliveries and also potentially lead to attacks on children and other people on the estate.

I have contacted the police, neighbourhood wardens and East Durham Homes officers to ask that they work together with the private sector office at Durham County Council to address this problem. As ever the Blackhall Rocks Residents' Association has played a key role in raising the profile of this issue.

Public safety is the overriding issue here and I think it is important that everyone plays a part in finding a solution which is acceptable to workers, residents and dog owners alike.

If you are aware of any similar issues elsewhere in the area please let me know.

2. Replacement Bus Shelter at Blackhall Rocks: 
The highways department at county hall has contacted me today to tell me that the replacement bus shelter is to be ordered this week. This is to replace the one burned out in March.

Officers felt that the seats in the new shelter should not be replaced as they were reported to be to blame for the fire which destroyed the old shelter. I have insisted that unless this can be proved the seats must remain. 

My information at the time suggested that the fire was started by debris being pushed behind the shelter and then ignited. For this reason I have asked that the replacement shelter be attached directly onto the existing wall if this can be done safely and securely. The use of solid black panels (instead of glass) is proposed for the back of the shelter to hide the fire-blackened wall.

I will closely monitor this issue to ensure the best possible result for residents and bus users from Blackhall Rocks but in the meantime please let me know if you have any comments.

3. Road Markings at Crimdon: 
Last week I was informed that there had been a few near accidents at Crimdon because of worn road markings at the Seagull junction.

I contacted the highways department at the county council and they have confirmed today that the "Give Way" sign at the junction has now been replaced and also that the lining contractor has been alerted and the road markings will be reinstated at the earliest opportunity.

Please let me know of any road sign or marking issues in the area and I'll make whichever arrangements are necessary.