Friday 27 January 2012

No More Wind Farms

A planning application has been received at Durham County Council from EDF-ER for a 5-turbine wind farm near the A19 at Sheraton in my ward.

I have contacted a number of local organisations over the past few days to get an early indication of the potential opposition to this development and I have yet to hear of any firm support in the community for this application.

Personally I am inclined to oppose almost any planning application which fails to demonstrate clear and sustainable economic, social or environmental benefits to the community, and this proposed development is no exception. 

My main concerns are related to the cumulative impact of successive wind farm developments in this area and also to the adverse visual impact on villages such as Hesleden, Castle Eden and Hutton Henry. I have seen computer generated images of these 115m turbines looming over East Terrace and Eden Cottages in Hesleden and it is not an attractive prospect!

I also have concerns about the impact that these turbines may have on wildlife in the area, especially the Little Terns and Sandpipers on the Durham Heritage Coast. There is documentary evidence available which shows that turbines on the flight path of birds can cause many deaths through accidental collision. I am sure that this proposal will also encounter further community opposition on grounds of noise, shadow flicker, residential amenity and highway access/safety. I am also aware that there are outstanding and unresolved aviation issues with regard to Durham Tees Valley airport which may yet present a further challenge.

The application is expected to be decided by the planning committee some time in May 2012. In the meantime I am organising a meeting of community groups in the area to assess the level of local opposition so if you have any comments or concerns in relation to this matter please let me know.