Monday 23 January 2012

East Durham Rail Station

Funding has been made available in the Durham County Council's capital programme for a new rail station in East Durham.

Whilst I remain firmly in favour of a station at Blackhall we must consider this in the context of previous discussions at county hall which resulted in the council's current position of supporting a station at nearby Horden.

In October 2010 members from East Durham tabled separate proposals for a station in East Durham. I put forward a strong case for a station at Blackhall on economic and environmental grounds. This was based on the existing infrastructure at the former rail halt site near to the Navy Club on East Street. A bridge remains in place connecting the north and south bound lines and there is the obvious advantage of direct access to the Durham Heritage Coast. I also emphasised the importance of integrated public transport opportunities given the close proximity of connecting bus and road links to neighbouring towns and villages.

It was accepted that a new station at Blackhall supported a strong catchment area for potential passenger numbers and also offered a clear opportunity for people in the village and surrounding settlements to access public transport on employment and leisure grounds. The benefits to the retail sector in the village were equally obvious.

However the council recommended that if a station was to be sited in East Durham Horden should be the preferred site for similar reasons. It seems the clinching argument for this recommendation was the immediate availability of land near to the proposed site at Horden which held out the opportunity for development and expansion for further infrastructure works, including public car parking and bus links.

Since this development I have contacted Network Rail and the Strategic Rail Authority to support the inclusion of a rail station in East Durham and again I drew attention to the opportunities offered by rail facilities at Blackhall on regeneration grounds as set out above.

At the moment a new station in East Durham remains an aspiration for Network Rail and the county council and whilst I recognise the obvious benefits regardless of its position I still feel strongly that a new rail station at Blackhall can and should be supported.