Wednesday 19 June 2024

Hesleden Pit Heap planning appeal update

Following my latest update on developments at the former pit heap site in Hesleden, and the ongoing planning appeal, Stacey and I met last week with a planning consultant, the parish clerk and residents from Hesleden to get an update on progress and then discuss how best to deal with the planning appeal process. Please see post dated Friday 31 May 2024 for background details: Hesleden Pit Heap: Additional issues raised with planning officers (

At the meeting held in county hall last week we started by clearing up any confusion about where Durham County Council stand on this matter; to put it simply, the council's planning committee refused consent last September for the works to continue on site. Consequently it is the council's position that works on site should cease on the terms set out in the committee's refusal notice issued to the applicant. It was noted however that the developer has appealed against the planning committee's decision which allows work to continue until the appeal is heard - that's not what anyone wants of course, but it is beyond the council's powers to prevent work continuing during the period of appeal. 

Once that was clarified we then focused on the format of the appeals process, which will be led by the government-appointed Planning Inspectorate. It was noted that any issues relating to the appeals process should be directed to the Inspector and not to Durham County Council.

The appeal is scheduled to be heard on 30th & 31st of July 2024, possibly at Hesleden Workingmens' Club, although the venue will be confirmed by the planning inspector once arrangements are finalised.

Before the hearing takes place the planning inspector's office will receive all past written representations made as part of the statutory consultation period leading up to the planning committee held last September. However, if residents or businesses wish to make any **new or additional written representations they must be sent to the planning inspector's office. At the hearing itself members of the public will be permitted to make representations at the discretion of the planning inspector. 

From the discussions held last the planning consultant's advice is that all representations, written or spoken, should focus on the reason for the committee's refusal of consent. In other words, we need to demonstrate to the inspector that the development has had (and continues to have) an adverse impact on residential amenity, and that the benefits of the development do not outweigh the cumulative adverse impact on the community in terms of noise and dust etc.

**Any new or additional representations should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate at: 

Full details can be found in an article published on this site on Thursday 30 May 2024Hesleden Pit Heap: Planning Inspectorate receives appeal notification (