Saturday 25 May 2024

Update from the latest Blackhall PACT meeting - and a proposed PACT meeting for Hesleden

There was a busy agenda and a great turnout by residents last Wednesday evening at the latest Blackhall PACT (Police & Communities Together) meeting held at the Parish Offices in Middle Street.

The main issue reported on the night related to an ongoing incident of anti-social behaviour in Blackhall Rocks. The police and neighbourhood wardens in attendance gave updates on progress with measures already taken and proposed to deal with this issue.

In addition it was reported by residents that issues of waste dumped on the road and fields at Deneholme in Blackhall Colliery had now been addressed after wardens and police had intervened.

In addition, an update on plans to install safety bollards along Middle Street had already been reported to a meeting of the parish Environment Committee meeting held in the Parish Offices immediately before the PACT meeting. The bollards are intended to prevent vehicles driving into the public footpath when parking outside the shops. Full details can be found here:

Following the PACT meeting I asked the police and PCSO if it would be possible to hold a separate PACT meeting in Hesleden at some point in the near future - something that had been raised at a meeting of the Hesledens Residents’ Association (HRA) committee I’d attended the night before the Blackhall PACT meeting. 

The police have agreed to make arrangements for a PACT meeting to be held in Hesleden WMC when duty rosters are aligned, perhaps immediately before a forthcoming meeting of the HRA. It’s proposed that this would be an initial session which could be developed into a series of regular PACT meetings if residents fell it would be helpful. I’ll update on progress on this item as soon as arrangemnets have been made. 

In the meantime, if you have any issues you would like Stacey and I to know about please continue to get in touch with us at: or