Thursday 16 May 2024

Request for investigation into use of the Hesleden pit heap site

I’ve written to the head of the planning department this morning to ask for an update on the council’s intention to issue an additional enforcement notice against the company currently operating on the site of the former pit heap in Hesleden. This is of pressing urgency to the community given that works are ongoing on site, despite the council’s planning committee refusing consent last year for works to continue.

In addition on behalf both county council members I’ve raised our concerns about the owner of the company working on the site who has received a significant fine at Durham Crown Court after he was found guilty of disposing of waste illegally. Although proof could not be provided to the court our concern is that the site in Hesleden may have been used illegally as a tipping site for waste collected elsewhere.

Stacey and I have asked the council if they would be prepared to carry out its own investigation into this matter to determine exactly what is happening on the site in Hesleden. If no one can be certain what is actually coming into and out of the site there’s no way to be sure that residents are kept safe from harm and environmental damage. 

From some of the contact we’ve had with residents in Hesleden over the years it would appear that emissions from the site are causing harm to the community - and it was for this reason that the planning committee refused consent last year for works to continue. The community deserves answers and an assurance that they’re safe from contamination.

This is the link to the article and I’ve reproduced my correspondence to the council’s planning department here:

Good morning, 

Given the council has been in receipt of the revised restoration scheme for the site of the former pit heap in Hesleden for some weeks now so could you give me an update please on the council's opinion of the scheme, and also on the council's stated intention to issue an enforcement notice on the company without unnecessary delay. 

Incidentally, there was an article on a government website recently reporting on a court case in which it was alleged that illegal waste disposal was carried out by the owner of B&S Recycling. The owner of the company received a significant fine for the activity.

It goes without saying that I have real concerns about any associated owner/company working on a site in a local village in my division. Although there's no proof currently that the Hesleden site was one of those where illegal tipping or removal took place there is no proof that it didn't. Either way, there's surely no denying that serious reputational damage has been caused to B&S Recycling and/or the company's owner Robert Surtees who is named in the article. 

I believe this reported illegal activity warrants further investigation by the local authority to determine the nature and type of material being removed (or deposited) by the company. It would also warrant much closer monitoring of the site and the vehicles removing materials from the site. Until those factors are determined beyond doubt we cannot possibly be sure that our communities are safe and protected from harm. 

Would it be possible to get an indication of the planning section's view of this activity please, and also the impact it might have in terms of the enforcement notice to be issued by the council. 



Cllr Rob Crute (Blackhall Division)

Deputy Leader of the Labour Group

Durham County Council