Thursday 30 May 2024

Hesleden Pit Heap: Planning Inspectorate receives appeal notification

Stacey and I received confirmation last night that Durham County Council has been notified by the Planning Inspectorate that the owner/operator of the former pit heap site in Hesleden has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate against the Council's decision last year to refuse planning permission for works to continue**

Full details are reproduced below:

29th May 2024 

Dear Sir/Madam 


Application reference: DM/22/00010/MIN 

Appeal reference: APP/X1355/W/24/3340343 

Name of appellant: Mr Robert Surtees 

Site: Former Colliery Spoil Heap Hesleden TS27 4PN 

Proposed development: Continued restoration of colliery spoil heap, including extraction, processing and export of combustible material, limestone and sand for a period of 10 years 

Appeal Start Date: 24 May 2024 

The Local Planning Authority has received notification that the above named appellant has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate against the Local Planning Authority’s decision to refuse planning permission. The appellant has requested that the appeal be dealt with by the hearing procedure. I will write to you again to confirm the date, time and location of the hearing. 

Any representations previously made to the Local Planning Authority prior to the planning application being decided, will be sent to the Inspectorate. These representations will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal unless, within 28 days of the starting date, the authority or person who made the representations asks the Inspector to disregard them. 

Any new representations that you would like to make in relation to this appeal should be made online via or in writing, quoting the appeal reference above, and forwarded directly to the Planning Inspectorate at the address given. 

Representations should be received by the Inspectorate within 5 weeks of the ‘Appeal Start Date’ given above. If responding in writing it is important that 3 copies of your representations are sent to the Inspectorate. Any representations received after the deadline will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations but will ensure that letters received by the deadline are passed to the Inspector dealing with the appeal. 

The Planning Inspectorate 3/01B Temple Quay House 2 The Square Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN 

The appeal documents are available for viewing online at:

For further advice on taking part in the appeal process please go to: Taking part in a planning, listed building or enforcement appeal - GOV.UK (

The decision will be published on

**Background details to how and why the council refused the planning application last September can be found in this link: