Tuesday 9 January 2024

Hesleden Pit Heap: Government Inspector calls for public comments

Stacey and I were notified this morning that the government's planning inspector is now open to receiving public comments on the development company's appeal against the council's planning enforcement notice.

The notification we received is set out below, along with details of how to make your comments to the inspector:

The appeal reference is APP/X1355/C/23/3332060.

The ‘start letter’ the Council has received from the Planning Inspectorate advises that interested persons make their views known by writing to the case officer, Tracy Warry, at The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3B - Eagle Wing Temple Quay House 2 The Square Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting the reference number APP/X1355/C/23/3332060.  

The email address is teame2@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

Representations must be sent within 6 weeks of the starting date, by 08 February 2024.  If comments are submitted after the deadline, the Inspector will not normally look at them and they will be returned.  Wherever possible interested persons must submit copies of their comments electronically.  Please note that their views will be disclosed to the parties to the appeal unless the representations are withdrawn before the 6 weeks deadline;

Although the appeal is against the enforcement notice, the Council will be writing to those notified of planning application no. DM/22/00010/MIN.

If you prefer to submit your comments online the inspector's planning portal can be accessed via this link: Planning Inspectorate 

Using the last 7 digits of the case reference number (3332060) will bring up this page where you can make your representations:

PLEASE NOTE: The information provided above refers to a planning appeal hearing under the jurisdiction of the government’s Planning Inspectorate, and not Durham County Council.