Thursday 7 December 2023

Tory-led Cabinet proposal to charge for parking on the Durham coast will drive visitors away

Back in October this year I published an article on these pages warning of the Durham County Council Cabinet’s intentions to introduce parking charges at Crimdon. 

I said at the time that this was nothing more than a cash grab ordered by the Tory-led coalition in control of the council to force our communities to pay the price for 13 years of their own government's austerity scam which has snatched £260m every year from essential public services in County Durham.

The full article can be found in this link:

The council has now published an order formally stating its intentions to introduce charges for off-street parking in Crimdon. 

This order also constitutes a second round of public consultation on the charges, with a cut-off point of 27 December 2023 for responses.

The Durham coast is one of the last places in the region that visitors can park for free. But instead of using this benefit to promote tourism in East Durham the Coalition is actually turning visitors away by forcing them to pay to park at Crimdon. There is also a real risk that businesses in nearby communities will be adversely affected by the Coalition cabinet’s proposal to drive visitors away from East Durham.

If like me you think it's unfair to force visitors and residents to pay to park at Crimdon and elsewhere along the Durham coast please let the council know of your objections by emailing: quoting reference number 4037689 by 27/12/2023