Wednesday 8 November 2023

Heritage Coast Partnership - English Coastal Path

I was contacted recently by officers from the Heritage Coast Partnership who are seeking the views of visitors, residents, businesses and landowners on a plan to manage the English Coastal Path as it passes northwards along the East Durham Coast from Crimdon.

I think it would benefit the communities of East Durham in so many ways if the coastal path could be reinstated, so if you are interested in supporting this initiative, or would simply like more information about it, please take a few moments to let the Partnership know what you think by using the links below:

Working with the Lake District Foundation, we are hosting a pilot project funded by Natural England to explore future management of the Tyne to Tees section of the England Coast Path, and the Wainwright Coast to Coast. 

The end results will inform Natural England and Defra policy to maximise local engagement for the benefit of local businesses and communities and inform future management by those who know the surrounding area best.

We are really keen to gain the opinions of community groups and residents, business owners and land managers and farmers who live and work locally on our coastline.

To this end, we would really appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the following questionnaire: King Charles III England Coast Path - Communities from Tyne-to-Tees (