Friday 8 September 2023

Community campaign group stands together to oppose the Hesleden Pit Heap development

There was a fantastic turnout from residents this afternoon when county planning committee members came to Hesleden to see for themselves the impact of the ongoing works to remove the pit heap. 

The message was loud and clear: No more filth, dust and dirt in our village. Say no to 10 more years! 

The planning committee meets on Monday morning when we’ll speak together on behalf of the campaign group in urging committee members to REJECT this unjust proposal. 

We met yesterday to coordinate our response to the committee report and to agree how best we can persuade committee members to see the proposal from the viewpoint of long-suffering residents. With arguments based on loss of amenity, public health concerns and the impact on the environment amongst others, we feel we have a strong case to put to committee members next week. Only time will tell….

Updates to follow on Monday.