Saturday 26 August 2023

Details of monthly Blackhall PACT Meetings for 2023

I published an article on these pages yesterday giving details of a new multi-agency Anti Social Behaviour and Crime Initiative that had been established earlier in the week in Blackhall Colliery.

An integral part of the new initiative is the long-standing **PACT meeting format, which is a series of scheduled monthly open meetings held for members of the public to meet directly with the police on a regular basis to talk about any crime or anti social behaviour issues in their community. This public-facing process will feed directly into the new initiative and inform its approach to dealing with reports of crime and anti social behaviour in our community.

For full details of the new initiative and how it came about, please follow the link below:

To promote the PACT meetings further I’ve published below details of its remaining monthly meetings for the rest of 2023. All meetings are held in the Parish Office (formerly the Resource Centre) on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery. All welcome.

**PACT (Police & Communities Together) meetings are additional aspect of the Neighbourhood Policing format and as the name suggests they provide a regular monthly community/police contact point. In between meetings members of the public should continue to report any crime/ASB issues to the police on 101, or in the event of an emergency 999.