Monday 5 June 2023

Concerns over unacceptable delays to highways repairs in the Blackhall area

Following persistent delays in highways and footpath repair works in several settlements across the county I’ve written to the head of highways services at county hall this afternoon to ask for an explanation for the disruption, especially in relation to the villages in the Blackhall area.

Specifically I’ve identified several examples in the villages of the Blackhall ward alone, where residents have been advised that repairs would be carried out within days, yet weeks later the roads and pavements are left in a state of disrepair.

I’ve reproduced my letter below in full. I’ll update on progress as soon as I have a satisfactory response from the service head:

Good afternoon ****,


I write to express my concern about persistent delays to highway repair requests and the associated difficulty in receiving updates from the highways section. There are several highway and footpath repairs waiting to be carried out in my ward (Blackhall) despite assurances that they would be carried out within 14 days of the initial report. These repairs include:


  • Potholes in the road and damaged pavements adjacent to the A181 at Castle Eden - reported on 18 April (14 day response time)
  • Damaged highway surface at Hesleden Road, Blackhall Colliery - reported on 16 May (14 day response time) and
  • Potholes in the road at Park Avenue, Blackhall Colliery – reported on 27 April (14 day response time). Along with the members’ support office I’ve requested updates on 3 separate occasions (12 May, 16 May & 1 June) and to date there has been no response from the service
  • Footpath at Station Road, Blackhall Rocks – reported in 2020
  • Footpath at The Elms, High Hesleden – reported in 2018 but still in a dreadful state because of an error by the service in identifying the correct location


There are other examples too, but these are the worst affected at the moment


From a local member’s perspective I find it unacceptable that residents in my ward cannot have timely repairs carried out, nor am I able to receive updates on progress on their behalf. I would be grateful if you could follow up with the queries outlined above and update on progress, with a commitment that repairs will be carried out within the defined timescales. 

I’m sure you’ll understand my and residents’ frustrations when they’re waiting weeks for fairly minor repairs to be carried after they’ve been told by the service that repairs would be completed within days.






Cllr Rob Crute (Blackhall Division)

Deputy Leader of the Labour Group

Durham County Council