Thursday 4 May 2023

Illegal access on public footpaths and rights of way

I've received additional complaints this week from walkers and residents about off-road bikes and quads riding along public footways and reportedly putting lives at risk.

These latest reports relate to the Haswell to Hart walkway and follow similar concerns I raised on residents' behalf at last week's PACT meeting held in the parish offices in Blackhall Colliery. 

Full details of the issues raised at last week’s PACT meeting can be found in this link:

All the reports and complaints I've received about bikes and quads trespassing on public open spaces and footpaths have been passed to the police and the parks and countryside team for their attention. While they're considering ways of eliminating these issues the police have advised anyone with similar concerns to report them immediately on 101. Please see details below:

Thanks for the email outlining the concerns. As you are aware from our previous discussions, officers are aware of the problems that you describe. We are currently working in a multi-agency approach to attempt to alleviate this problem, looking at how we can place barriers along the walkways without breaching the current right of way protocols.

We would also suggest strongly that any and all incidents are reported to Police via 101 at the time of the occurrence. Without intelligence and reports from members of the public, we would struggle to target our limited resources to the correct areas at the correct times. 

UPDATE: In addition to the reports detailed above I’ve also issued a request for the council to consider taking any effective measures to prevent off-road bikes and quads from using the public footpath between Elizabeth Street and Mickle Hill Road in Blackhall Rocks.

The footpath is shown below in an image taken on 9 May 2023: