Monday 24 April 2023

Update on the streetlighting cable fault in Castle Eden

Earlier this year I reported a streetlighting cable fault on the B1281 in Castle Eden. Since then I’ve posted updates on any significant developments, with the last update posted a few weeks ago confirming that the problem was a more deep-seated, structural fault, rather than a straightforward streetlighting column issue.

Background details can be found here:

I’ve now received a further update from the streetlighting service which confirms that there have been complications because of a gas main in the vicinity, but which also confirms that joint investigations between the gas board and the local authority are ongoing and ‘progressing towards a repair’

Spoke to the manager again for this one. There will be a site meeting with someone from the gas board and our engineer to discuss an approach for restoring these lights due to high pressure gas main in the vicinity. Appreciate and apologies that this is a lengthy repair but unfortunately there are extenuating reasons that this is taking a little longer to repair but is progressing towards a repair.

I’ll continue to monitor progress with the investigations, and I’ll publish updates on any significant developments as soon as I have more information from either the gas board or the local authority.