Thursday 6 April 2023

Hesleden pit heap planning application - What happens next?

Earlier this week I published another article on these pages updating residents on recent developments with the planning application to remove the Hesleden pit heap. Full details can be found at this link:

In that article I urged as many people as possible to register their comments about the planning application. Although it’s always been essential that residents make their voices heard during the planning process, it’s even more important now considering that the application could be submitted to the planning committee as early as next month - potentially that’s just a few weeks time.

When a date for the planning committee has been announced the case officer’s planning report will be made public at the same time. At this point Stacey and I will be seeking to meet with key representatives from the community to see who might wish to speak at the committee - and then decide how to coordinate our comments for the maximum impact. 

In addition, if residents have any queries or issues to address we can raise them with the case officer at this stage. We can also incorporate any outstanding concerns in our comments to the planning committee. It’s important to bear in mind that the members of the planning committee are the only people we need to convince - and from this point onwards all our energies should be focused on doing precisely that.

Hopefully the committee date will be announced sooner rather than later, so in the time we have left beforehand please make every effort to register your comments on the planning portal.

UPDATE, CLC MINUTES: my most recent article included links to all the minutes of previous Community Liaison Committee meetings. By way of keeping residents up to date with all the latest information, I posted a brief outline of any significant issues arising from the most recent CLC meeting held last month. The formal minutes of that meeting will be published in full as soon as they have been approved by members.