Friday 14 April 2023

Hesleden Pit Heap: Making hand-written representations to the council

I posted an article on these pages recently, part of which updated residents on the latest developments with Hesleden pit heap issues. I’ve reproduced the relevant section below:

I suggested that now more than ever before we need to stand together as a whole community as we prepare ourselves for the planning committee stage of the campaign. This could happen as early as next month, although nothing can be certain at this point. Our preparations will include working alongside representatives from long-established local community groups to coordinate our collective approach to addressing the committee. Crucially, there will be a period at the planning committee meeting for residents to have their say, so we’ll need to consider how we can make the most of that opportunity too.

It was felt that the best chance of success would come from convincing the members of the planning committee that we had a strong case based on community cohesion and environmental concerns and focused solely on evidence and ‘material’ planning matters.

Finally, I suggested that as we move forward to the next phase of the campaign we should continue to urge everyone in the community to submit their comments to the council’s planning portal. Although numbers themselves won’t be a deciding factor, it’s a significant strength to be able to refer to strong and united community backing when it comes to addressing the planning committee. More information about how residents can submit their comments can be found here:

In that piece I once again urged as many residents as possible to register their comments with the planning team at county hall. This is important because we need as many people as possible backing the campaign as we make our preparations for the planning committee meeting which could be upon us soon.

It’s great to see that so many people are taking the opportunity to voice their concerns direct to the council, but from speaking to residents over the past few days I’m aware that a few people in our community might not have access to social media or the planning portal, which obviously prevents them from submitting their comments.

If you know of anyone in this position, and who isn’t able to access the planning portal, I would be happy to collect any written statements or objections and deliver them by hand to the planning office at county hall. 

Please contact me on: and I’ll make any necessary arrangements.