Friday 17 March 2023

Streetlight cable fault in Castle Eden

Earlier this year I reported a fault with the streetlights along the B1281 in Castle Eden. The lights have remained out since then, indicating that a structural problem was responsible for the outage as opposed to a simple streetlight fixture fault.

I contacted the highways streetlighting team again last week asking for another update on the current position with the streetlights and I received the response below confirming that a cable fault is responsible for the power outage:

There is a cable fault causing the section outage and unfortunately there is no possibility for a temporary resolution. It is, however, being investigated for new cabling, whether this can be moled by our subcontractors or if this will require an open trench to restore the lighting. It is being prioritised as a section outage and the location of the lighting with the golf club and the old brewery in the vicinity

I’ll continue to monitor developments with this issue and update on progress when I have further information from the appropriate authority dealing with the fault.