Thursday 2 March 2023

DCC Cabinet consultation on Home to School Transport

A week after the Tory-led coalition currently controlling Durham County Council raised your council tax by 5% they are now holding a public consultation exercise on the council’s Home to School Transport arrangements which they hope will reduce its school transport provision to a bare ‘statutory’ minimum - which in effect means they’ll save money and you’ll pick up the bill instead.

The consultation document can be found in the link below:

Although framed as an opportunity to make the service ‘more efficient’ and ‘provide additional choices’ the impact of some of the proposals could be quite onerous for struggling families, especially those with SEND (Special Educational Needs) children. There are also real concerns about the risk of children having to make their own way to school on foot using travel routes that are currently deemed ‘unsafe’. 

It’s vital that as many residents as possible let the coalition cabinet know what they think of their proposals, so please take a look through the consultation document and submit your response by Wednesday 12 April 2023. 

If you have any particular concerns or any additional queries about this matter please let us know at: or and we’ll make sure they reach the relevant department at the county council.