Friday 17 February 2023

Update on local issues in Station Town & Crimdon

Steps at Crimdon beach: 

I've been contacted again by residents and visitors concerned about the high step on the boardwalk leading onto the beach at Crimdon. I’ve been down there to see for myself and it’s certainly far too steep to enable easy access - and it's virtually impassable for anyone infirm or who might struggle with mobility.

I contacted the countryside rangers earlier this week to ask for an update on plans to make this entry point to the beach more accessible and in return I received an explanation along with confirmation that extra steps are to be installed as soon as possible:

Hi Rob, we have had some difficulty with the movement of the sand at this access point thus we hope to put in extra steps to alleviate this ASAP.

Hopefully works will be completed in time for the spring and summer season. 

Station Town Street Walkabout: 

Following our street walkabout in Hesleden last week Stacey and I are looking forward to our next street walkabout which is scheduled to take place next month in Station Town.

We know from residents contacting us that there are a number of issues relating to private sector properties in the village, especially those that have been left empty, so in advance of our visit the council's private sector and empty homes teams have being carrying out preliminary work to see which options are available to make improvements. 

We'll update on progress after the visit, but in the meantime if there are any issues you would like us to consider please get in touch using the contact details at the end of this article.

Proposed housing development at Station Town:

Some time ago an application to build 88 new homes on land at Rodridge Cottage Farm, Station Town was submitted to the council. Details can be found here: 

We understand that a decision on the application will be made under delegated authority, which means that a final decision will be made by the relevant director at Durham County Council in consultation with the chair of the relevant planning committee. 

Before that happens we've written to the director to ask that the following points are considered before reaching a decision: 

Good afternoon,

re: Planning application DM/21/01313/OUT

Before a decision is made on the above planning application Stacey and I as the two local DCC members would like to raise the following points:

We understand that residents at the Newholme Estate in Station Town have concerns about access into and out of the estate. They feel that any additional development nearby will have a negative impact in increasing parking issues and the general amenity of the area. In addition they have concerns about new properties on the new estate overlooking their homes and leading to a loss of light and privacy. We have also received comments from residents concerns about traffic generation and road safety on the estate, both during the construction period and afterwards. We share residents’ concerns and would ask that all issues are taken fully into account.

We also share residents’ concerns about additional development in the open countryside and the impact this is likely to have on flora and fauna and wildlife in general. Our concerns are compounded by the potential cumulative impact of any further development here and in other locations nearby. In particular there are concerns about flooding at or near to the development site and the impact this might have on homes and infrastructure nearby.

Finally we believe that any developer contributions generated from this development (currently estimated at £130k) ought to be provided to the Station Town & Hutton Henry Parish Council for use to be determined by the local community.

We would ask you to consider these points before you reach a decision on this planning application, and we would request that where appropriate specific conditions are attached to any consent.



Cleared footpath at Crimdon: 

A couple of weeks ago I asked the council's clean & green team to clear an overgrown footpath running between the entrance to Evergreen Park and the north-bound bus shelter on the A1086 Coast Road at Crimdon. Please see background details at:

This followed complaints from residents at Evergreen Park that the verges next to the footpath were frequently encroaching into the path itself making it difficult for pedestrians to get past, particularly in wet weather. The footpath has now been cut back and cleared which will hopefully solve the immediate problem. 

The next steps are to identify the source of the water running occasionally onto the path, and also to ensure the footpath surface is maintained to a safe and sound condition.

If you have any comments or queries about these or any other issues in the Blackhall area please get in touch with us at: or