Tuesday 21 February 2023

Open land on Middle Street is cleared and fenced-off

A few weeks ago a published an article on these pages giving an update on the work I’ve been doing with the authorities to have a patch of open, privately-owned land on Middle Street made secure against trespass. 

Background details can be found here: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2023/01/campaign-to-tidy-up-derelict-land-in.html

I’m pleased to report that at long last the land has now been cleared and the fencing along the boundary facing Blackhall library has been replaced. 

I’ve attached images showing how the land looks now (above) and the eyesore it had become (below).

As I said in my previous article a determination to put things right, alongside the goodwill of the landowner and the authorities working together, can make things happen. Although it’s taken an unnecessarily long, drawn-out campaign to have the land brought back to an acceptable standard I’m sure we can all agree that the work was worth it.

The next step is to get the fencing work on the other side of the land completed. Watch this space….