Wednesday 21 September 2022

September Street Walkabout

On Tuesday morning Stacey and I went out on our latest street walkabout with the neighbourhood wardens, police, PCSO, community safety officers, the fire and rescue service, officers from the private sector housing team and other agencies.

As with our last walkabout held in August the purpose was to spot any particular incidents of fly-tipping, untidy properties and street scene issues and report them for the attention of the relevant authorities. 

Full details of the street walkabout held on Tuesday 23 August 2022 can be found here:

We also find it helpful when we’re out and about to stop for a chat with residents and businesses, listen to their concerns and do whatever we can to help.

Among the issues we dealt with on Tuesday morning were:

Fly-tipping at the top of Tenth Street:

Fly-tipping along the back lane between Tenth and Eleventh Streets:

Rubbish piled into back yards of empty properties:

Bins left out in a few streets and

Anti-social behaviour associated with tenants in two separate streets

As with previous walkabout sessions I’ll monitor progress in dealing with identified incidents and report back as necessary. In the meantime if you are aware of any issues in your area that need sorting out please let me know and I’ll raise them with the relevant authorities: