Sunday 18 September 2022

Pass Wide & Slow: Promoting road safety for horse riders

It was a pleasure to go along to Hurlevent on Fillpoke Lane, Crimdon this morning to support the local Pass Wide & Slow campaign which promotes the safety of horse riders on our roads. 

This morning’s event was one of many held annually across the country with the aim of highlighting the dangers horse riders face when inconsiderate drivers pass riders at speed or fail to allow sufficient space when passing. The main aims of the campaign are to encourage drivers to reduce speed to a maximum 10mph and allow a gap of at least 2m when passing individuals or groups of horse riders. More details can be found on the Pass Wide & Slow website here:

There will be more detailed coverage of the local Pass Wide and Slow campaign next week in the free and online newspaper East Durham Life. In the meantime please take a moment to have a look at the campaign material above and think about how you can play your part in helping to promote better road safety for horse riders.