Monday 22 August 2022

Fly-tipping, untidy back yards and other environmental issues in Blackhall Colliery

I’ve been contacted by a number of residents over the weekend reporting untidy back yards in a few streets and an increase in incidents of fly tipping and littering so I took a walk around some of the numbered streets in Blackhall Colliery earlier this morning in advance of a formal walkabout scheduled to take place tomorrow. 

The following issues have been reported to the relevant officers and departments at county hall for their attention.

Fly tipping in the back lane at Second Street. From the amount of birds in the image below it’s possible that the abandoned bags could include food waste so I’ve asked for an urgent response to this incident:

Fly tipping in the back lane at Third Street. Abandoned bins at the top of the street have also been reported to the refuse collection service for removal or return to the owners: 

Fly tipping in the back lane at Eighth Street, and also several incidents of rubbish piled into back yards further down the street:

Fly tipping and untidy streets at the bottom of Eleventh Street:

A back yard at Tenth Street piled high with furniture and other detritus: 

Progress on dealing with these incidents will be followed up during tomorrow's street walkabout with the wardens and will be monitored over the longer-term at subsequent walkabouts.

Any similar incidents in your area can be reported direct to the council at: or if you prefer you can let me know and I’ll deal with it on your behalf: